Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I posted to this blog and although I have thought about it many times I just have not found the time or inspiration.

Today when I woke up it was 48 degrees in Florida at 9:00am I had to run and B.Emmett was ecstatic. He was happy and every muscle in his body seemed to quiver and say, "It's been awhile." Not that we don't run on a regular basis but today's run was different. It was almost magical.

It's been awhile since it was cool enough to go longer, to pick up the pace, to run later in the morning.

It's been awhile since we had the time to run together and really enjoy each other's company without feeling rushed to get the run over with and on to the next thing.

It's been awhile since we ran the route we took today. A beautifully shaded mostly downhill route past houses with big yards and rambunctiously joyful dogs barking encouragement to us as we pass by.

It's been awhile since I have had to wear a long sleeve shirt and peel it off halfway through the run once my body warmed up.

It's been awhile since we have felt the greeting of cold air filling our lungs with an almost uncomfortable yet somehow pleasant sensation.

It's been awhile since we enjoyed a run as much as today's run.

B.Emmett was a very happy dog this morning!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Destination

In life we are on a path and depending on our choices and needs there can be many destinations.

Today B.Emmett and I chose a new destination. We officially came out of the closet to change from Starbucks coffee lovers to Dunkin Donuts coffee lovers.

My addiction to caffeine started somewhere in the baby years. These were the days when I had very small children and a full time job. Caffeine was a great option for keeping myself going and my love affair with Starbucks began.

Every day I had to stop and get my coffee. Starbucks was like a siren calling to me wherever I was. My children learned to spot Starbucks on road trips all for the good of family harmony. When momma has her coffee everybody in the family was happy.

Once when I was teaching third grade one of my students spilled my grande coffee before the bell to begin class rung. It was a very long morning because at the time I still had a newborn baby not sleeping through night and the only way I was managing to stay awake to teach was my precious caffeine.

About four months ago due to some unremembered circumstance we went to Dunkin Donuts instead of Starbucks. At first I was sure I would about die and then I tasted their coffee. "Sweet mother of god," I thought, " this is the nectar of life."  Well maybe it was not that dramatic but it was life changing.

We began going to Dunkin Donuts every morning. On Fridays I would still stop by Starbucks for my beloved Friday treat, a mocha. I felt guilty like I was cheating on my spouse. After all the folks from Starbucks all knew my name and my order. For goodness sake they knew my kid's names. How could I do this to Starbucks?

Gradually, I began to see that although Starbucks was a nice experience it just wasn't meeting my needs and it was time to move on. Still I persisted a bit longer than necessary. I mean who hasn't prolonged the inevitable break up of a relationship at some point in their lives?

Last week I was out with my mom and we stopped at Starbucks for coffee. I ordered my mocha because that was about the only thing at Starbucks I thought that I could handle. I took one sip and realized that it was over. I could no longer drink any coffee product from Starbucks.

I slowly threw my mocha in the trash and I said good bye to my dear Starbucks. Like a good lover I will always remember the good times and be thankful for the relationship but I have moved on to a new destination.

B. Emmett and I ran four miles to Dunkin Donuts this morning. We enjoyed every minute of our run. I love you B.Emmett!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Mad. That's a doberman when it is too hot to run. It is also the state of mind of a doberman when he doesn't run. He is mad as in insane.

Even though I am working for most of the summer my schedule is more lax. School is not in session so I do not necessarily have to get up at 5:00am to run. By the time I roll out of bed at 7:00am it is a little too late for to run with B.Emmett and it makes him mad.

He barks, he whines and he scratches at the door all futile attempts to get me to take him on a run. B.Emmett is not rationale when it comes to two things, running and me.

When he sees me he tracks me with his golden eyes always looking, begging, asking for me to take him with me. 

For him it is so clear what he desires.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that kind of clarity? Dog clarity. They know what they want period.

I want so many things that it tears me up at times. I want to go sky diving again, dive in a shark cage observing great white sharks, and so much more.

Today was a day of clarity. I was thinking of making a choice which would have been a major change in my life direction. The universe basically hauled off and kicked me in the head letting me know that I was in the right place.

I love it when it is that clear, right there, obvious, in plain view...

Dog clarity, yea I like that.

B.Emmett we will run again soon.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Bucket List

Summer is here and the runs are getting hotter. With summer comes lots more time for B.Emmett and I to spend quality time together. Also lots more time to reflect and write.

During today's run I thought a lot about my bucket list. It is something I have been working on for a little while. What amazes me is how rich my life experiences have already been and how much more I cannot wait to do. Randy says that I am a young soul because I am not settled and always restless. I guess I agree. It is fun to try new things and continue to challenge myself and push my limits.

The one thing I would like to do on the bucket list that got stuck in my mind on this morning's run is to visit Los Angeles and just wander aimlessly with no real plan (but a nice hotel or somewhere to stay). I think I would find the mixture of the pure self absorbency of the city and its inhabitants and the beauty of the surrounding nature just out of LA repulsive and attractive at the same time.

It would be neat to explore LA on foot, running with B.Emmett. I am thinking of running the LA marathon sometime in the next few years. Unfortunately, B.Emmett cannot run it with me but he can train with me.

That is just one of the many adventures on my bucket list. Life is for living and following your dreams....Sleep when I am dead.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer's almost here!

Summer is almost here. One week left of school and then B.Emmett and I will get to run together every day.

Today we went five miles and ended at our usual spot, Starbucks. As we meandered through the roads of Gainesville thoughts of summer swirled in my head as signs of summer were all around us.

There was the baby pool that we saw outside of one of the houses that we past by. Our neighbor has his summer flag up and the grass is growing mighty fast.

What I like best about summer is the pace. Things naturally seem to slow down, days get just a bit longer and nothing seems rushed.

There is more time for the kids, swimming, running and relaxing.

B.Emmett seems to sense that summer is almost here as well. His gait was a bit more easy going. His coat glistened in the sun (I gave him a shower yesterday).

Yep, not much to say today except it was a nice, easy going summer kind of run.

I love my dog!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Today was another attempt to get back into the regular rhythm of running. B.Emmett and I headed out the door a little late and happy to find it still overcast.

We headed north my mind wandering still reflecting abut how much fun I had at the R-Evolution show the night before. I started to think about all the things that made it so unique. What it really all came down to was the people in it.

It is one of the few places in the school where there are performing arts students, band students, athletes, tech crew, etc all in one place with one put on the most amazing show ever.

 It is such a diverse group that comes together to create a performance like no other. I cannot describe why I like it so much. Part of it is the amazing music but most of it is the amazing students that create it. The only thing I can really say is that it is a PK thing.

Since I was in high school I have loved music and had musically inclined friends. From my travels following the Grateful Dead around the country to Jane's Addiction in a small club in Denver to Metallica to...I have always felt alive listening to music. 

R-Evolution brings me back to my roots. It allows me to remember the things that matter in life.

In my life I have had the privilege of hanging out with a lot of musicians including my wonderfully talented husband. The students in this show are talented to the extreme both musically and creatively.

So as I ran along Newberry road on my way to Starbucks I replayed the concert in my mind laughing out loud at the memory of the video.

At the end of the night after the stage was clear I turned to my husband and said, "I want to go home and see my dog."  

That's where my run ended, R-Evolution memories fading out and the love I feel for B.Emmett flooding in. He's a great dog. It's a doberman thing. If you have hung out with one you know what I mean. I love you B.Emmett!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hot Days are Here

Okay, I admit it, I like, no I LOVE to sleep in. Well according to B.Emmett my days of sleeping in are over and summer is officially here...hello 5:00am runs...argh.

Saturday I woke up, read in bed and decided that I was officially cured from my sinus infection and could attempt a run. B.Emmett and I headed out the door around 9:00am. Everything seemed like an ordinary run. I felt a bit sluggish coming back from a week off but not too bad. 

After mile one I realized it was hot with a capital "H." I think B.Emmett handled it much better than me. I kept forcing him to cross a four lane road. I was stalking little patches of shade. I am fairly certain that this was just a mental thing to make me feel cooler and that it actually extended the amount of time and distance that we ran.

At the end of the run I promised B.Emmett that I would get up earlier on Sunday. Of course that was before this little thing called chaperoning prom until 12:00am got in the way.

This morning I woke up to the quiet of a kid free home. They were still over at their mimis' and papas' houses from their sleepovers. Who could blame me for wanting to catch a little extra sleep? I mean there are not a lot of kid free mornings so I lounged around in bed.

When I finally got up with intent to run it was 10:00am-oops! Once I explained how sorry I was to B.Emmett we settled on a compromise...two miles (not our usual long Sunday morning run) and a shady route.

Off we trotted and I realized how pathetic it was but I was sore from yesterday's run. B.Emmett on the other hand was just fine and raring to go. It was really fun to go two miles. It passed quickly even in the heat.

My favorite thing was watching B.Emmett drinking water out of a large metal bowl outside Starbucks. He laid right down while he drank with his goofy grin. Moments like these always make me appreciate my running partner just a little more.

I love you B.Emmett!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Today instead of running we went for a hike with the kids in the San Felasco Hammock. I am still getting over a nasty sinus infection and this just seemed like a much more pleasant option.

Today is mother's day which always makes me appreciative of all the love I have in my life.

It started out with sleeping in and presents in bed.

Then the text messages started to arrive. Some from the girls I coach and others from relatives and friends. I just feel so much much positive energy-yes!

On to our hiking adventure. My family always lets me choose to spend Mother's day any way I want. I decided that it would be nice to start the day with a hike. B.Emmett agreed. We loaded the van with dogs and children headed out for an adventure.

As we hiked two groups quickly separated. First was the boys off and running with dad. They also had their chihuahua in tow.

Next there was the girls with B.Emmett our protector. He takes his job seriously. He loves his littlest girl Soso very much.

The nicest part of the hammock is the things we encounter along the way. We saw a deer which actually paused long enough to give us a chance to really see her.

Back in the car B.Emmett spent the rest of the ride harassing the chihuahua. The chihuahua cannot stand B.Emmett because he is so big. B.Emmett does things like lay down just close enough to invade the chihuahua's personal space. When the chihuahua lets a little rumbling growl escape from his mouth B.Emmett merely yawns and places his head one inch closer to the chihuahua. 

Anyone that has ever lived with a doberman understands that they are born comedians and love to push the limit.

It was a great way to start the day! Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Accidents Happen

Last weekend at pole vault practice B.Emmett sat on a curb and caught the fold of his skin under a chain link fence. It was just a tiny nick so I cleaned it out and went about our week. Long run Sunday etc.

Tuesday I came home from work to find that he had chewed a giant hole in his side which looked pretty gross. My hubby told me to just to clean it out and put a hooded collar on him until it healed. I , on the other hand,  decide to take him to the vet.

$300 and many stitches and staples later he came home. He also had a hooded collar to keep him from chewing on his stitches and staples. No Running for ten days!!!TEN DAYS-yikes!

Night one B.Emmett learns how to play pathetic puppy and stays in bed with mom and dad.

Night two B.Emmett wanders out of the bedroom without his hooded collar on and he chews through his stitches.

I call the vet Friday morning and make an appointment for Saturday morning since we were going to Orlando all day Friday. In his kennel B.Emmett wears his hooded collar all day long-poor baby.

Saturday morning we go to the vet fully expecting to spend a bunch more money. Instead of stitching it up again the vet takes a  look and decides to take the remaining stitches out. He says, "Keep it clean and keep the hooded collar on him. Oh and he can go ahead and run again..."

Always look for the good in the situation: 1. B.Emmett can run 2. He now gets to sleep on the bed instead of in his kennel.

All is well that ends well...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Long Run 4/26

Today we ran a bit later so we had to cut things short due to the warm weather. B.Emmett is doing really well learning to heal and not chase squirrels. We also saw the Great Dane which always makes the run a little bit nicer. He has this deep raspy bark calling to us as he peeks at us over a wall.

This week I realized how much I truly love B.Emmett. He has always been special but now I find my mind wandering thinking about him or getting home faster so that I can see him. He has been spending more time in the house with the weather getting warmer. He shadows me everywhere I go sauntering from room to room.

He helped me clean the litter boxes by patiently waiting until they were clean to then sniff and scratch the litter all over the floor. When he gets scolded he simply drops his head and pushes it in to my leg.

On the bus back from the regional track meet I really could not wait to get home to give him some snuggles. He is just so perfect in every way.

He took a shower to get clean the other day. He was miserable the whole time but he endured it with grace. At once point he looked up at me and gave me a kiss as if to say, "I still love you even though you are doing this to me."

Today nothing really special happened on our run which is exactly what made it a good run. I love B.Emmett!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good Energy/Dog Party

On today's run there was just  a really good feeling about it. All around it had a good energy.

It was one of those mornings that I loved running and I appreciated having B.Emmett as my running companion. As we meandered our way along the streets so familiar to us there was a briskness about the air and the day that was unexplainable.

We had a lot of friends honk their horns at us as we ran which is always nice. It seemed like they, too, were enjoying the good energy of the morning.

Even the squirrels were a little less of a distraction this morning. B.Emmett stayed pretty much by my side even though every muscle in his body twitched as we ran by them.

When we arrived at our favorite ending destination, Starbucks, it was clear that it was not just us that felt the good energy of the day. Every single outdoor table was occupied by both a human and a canine or two. It was one giant dog party.

There were the politely aloof dogs that stared at the others from afar. And then there were the rest of the dogs. 

Max, the weimaraner, that just loved to say hello and drag his owner all over the patio. 

Beardsley the labradoodle that had traveled to Starbucks in his owner's turquoise convertible porsche. Beardsley also vacations each summer on Cape Code. 

There were the angry Irish setters that sat close to the water bowl and would emit a low growl barely audible to human ear but very obvious to canine ear if one strayed too close to their territory. 

There was the dainty little Pomeranian that left and went to the far less crowded outdoor tables of the bakery a few doors down. 

Some of our old friends, the big black and white bull dog and the old old golden retriever, were there smiling and wagging their tails at all that past close by their table.

And finally there was B.Emmett. He loves other dogs so for him the end of today's run was as nice as it was for me. I always look forward to ending a run at Starbucks and he always looks forward to socializing with other dogs.

Today it was just good energy all around for human and canine alike.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random post

Here are the random thoughts that were in my mind as we ran today:

Today we did a 7.7 mile run. The weather was nice and Spring Break allowed us a little more time to run together so I was a bit more sore than usual. B.Emmett did not seem to notice which is why I love him so much.

I had a lot of time to think about things along the way because I was moving at a more relaxing pace. One of the main things I reflected on is where I am professionally. I am almost done with my coursework for my doctorate degree which means it is time to give lots of serious thought to the dreaded dissertation.

At the same time I am working full time and need to keep working financially. I also love the daily feeling of a school. It is like you can feel the pulse of the school with the students coursing through the school like blood through a body. School is a very "alive" place.

One thing that I am particularly thankful for is the groups of people that I have met in my classes this year. Currently, I am working in a group on a qualitative data analysis project and they have truly been amazing. We all get along well and play off of one another's strengths. Yet, at the same time, we are all very different individuals from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. I think this diversity is what I have enjoyed the most about the group. It really shows what collaboration is like when you have the right mix.

Then my thoughts turned to the right mix in a school based environment. It is so important to have the right people working together. When things are not the right mix it can be very detrimental to all involved especially the students. Schools are also not very diverse when it comes to the adults that work in them... What a shame that the students lose out because we are not a very diverse group...

Other things that I thought about today were: 
  • getting another tattoo this time one of B.Emmett
  • writing Stephenie Meyer a fan letter which is something I have never done before...I even wrote the letter in my mind but it got lost in my mind somewhere between miles 5 and 6.
  • the movie twilight and why Bella continues to perpetuate the damsel in distress. Yes, she is strong willed but Edward always swoops in and saves her...ugh. But I still like the movie although the book is much better.
  • my awesome family that lets me run with my dog (really my husband who stays with our kids)
  • how important positive leadership is in a school community...
  • squirrel sneak attacks
  • coaching

As the run winded down my thoughts turned to B.Emmett and how much he just enjoys the moment. Dogs are so Zen, so in the moment. He is serious one minute and chasing a squirrel the next.

Today we did meet up with the Easter Bunny and that was the first time he was a little shy. He was not quite sure what to make of the tissue paper ears and the whiskers.

We ran our last mile hard. B.Emmett almost killed me when a crazy squirrel basically jumped on his nose.

We chased a lost greyhound through a neighborhood sprinting back to his owner to give the location of the runaway.

Ending our run at Starbucks we saw another (and much faster) running friend.

Our family was 40 minutes late picking us up at Starbucks which was nice because it gave us a chance to relax...

B.Emmett is a great running partner.

And that's the randomness of my thoughts from today's run:)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friends along the way

Today we ran 7.7 miles to Starbucks, our favorite ending destination. We were planning on going about six miles and decided to try out a new route. The route ended up being a bit longer than expected but very enjoyable. 

The thought that struck me most on today's run was how much dogs enjoy seeing one another. We started out in a neighborhood with large yards. The first dog that we came upon, a large black lab, launched a sneak attack. We did not see him coming. He jumped on his field fence challenging B.Emmett to play with him. B.Emmett responded readily smiling and wiggling his body.

Next up were the old timers. Two dogs that we heard coming down their driveway that were moving very slow. We were long past before they made it to their fence. They continued to bark encouragement as we ran up the hill beyond their house.

Through a wooded trail and into a new neighborhood we ran into a fearless terrier. He ran right up to B.Emmett and snarled. B.Emmett politely stopped to say hello. Once the owner arrived on the scene we were told that he would follow us for about a block and then go home. We ran with the terrier grinning at B.Emmett the whole way. Sure enough about a block past where we first met the terrier turned and darted off towards his waiting owner.

As we came out of the neighborhood and on to a busy stretch of road more commercial than residential we did not meet any new friends. Even our good friend the Great Dane was sadly missing when we past the wall that he usually peers over.

Arriving at our destination we met up with one last friend a Boston terrier. He was a delightful guy who was not at all intimidated by B.Emmett. In fact he invited B.Emmett to a rousing game in which leashes got tangled, tails wagged and plenty of doggie smiles were exchanged.

All in all it was one of our most enjoyable long runs to date. There was time to think about life and friends along the way to cheer us on.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Post Run Pictures 3/29/09

Darn Squirrels

There is only one thing in the world that B.Emmett loves more than running and that is chasing squirrels.

Today it seemed there was a plethora of squirrels around every corner. What makes a run with squirrels lurking so adventurous is that I never know when Emmett may change direction suddenly.

He weighs close to 80 pounds and when an 80 pound dog decides to shift gears it can get pretty exciting for the person on the other end of the leash.

Today's run started out pretty nicely. The weather was in the 60's which is really pleasant for this time of year in Florida. We were moving slowly out of our neighborhood surveying the damage from a very heavy rain the night before. 

All of sudden from out of nowhere the first squirrel appeared twitching his tail invitingly. Luckily I was prepared and reminded B.Emmett that he had someone on the other end of the leash.

From that point on to B.Emmett's delight there were squirrels everywhere. Big squirrels. Little squirrels. Boy and girl squirrels. B. Emmett was on high alert and I was never truly able to settle in to a safe rhythm in our run.

Darn squirrels, at least we ended our run at Starbucks...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Emmett's travels

Emmett and I

8.6 Miles with friends

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

People often ask me what his name is wherever we go. His full name is Boomerang Emmett Hollinger. His nicknames and alias include: Boom, B.Emmett, and Boombomb.

The first name is the one most folks are familiar with. He was named Boomerang after my husband's favorite hobby at the time we got him. It also seemed like a good name because Boomerangs are suppose to come back to you when thrown. In Boom's case I was hopeful that he would come back when called.

His second name and the one that he uses while running is Emmett. For those of you familiar with the Twilight series you will totally get his middle name. He is named after a vampire Emmett. In the Twilight books the character of Emmett is a very fun loving vampire that loves to wrestle and play around. He is also very strong and is the protector of the vampire family that he belongs to. Anyone that has ever had the privilege to have a doberman in your family knows that this description fits dobermans perfectly. 

B.Emmett is so much fun to run with. When he sees me in my running clothes he becomes overcome with excitement. He races around and wrestles all the other dogs. Occasionally, he forgets his manners and even leaps over the couch on his way to the front door. Once we are on our run he is "on duty" watching everything and everyone that we come into contact with. He is my protector.

The last name Hollinger is our family name.

There you have it: Boomerang Emmett Hollinger. That is what's in a name.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Running with B.Emmett

This is a diary of a girl, a dog and their runs together. 

Boomerang Emmett Hollinger was a birthday present with the sole purpose of becoming a running companion. 

As we have run together these past two years we have experienced many adventures. 

This is the living documentation of our relationship.
