Sunday, April 26, 2009

Long Run 4/26

Today we ran a bit later so we had to cut things short due to the warm weather. B.Emmett is doing really well learning to heal and not chase squirrels. We also saw the Great Dane which always makes the run a little bit nicer. He has this deep raspy bark calling to us as he peeks at us over a wall.

This week I realized how much I truly love B.Emmett. He has always been special but now I find my mind wandering thinking about him or getting home faster so that I can see him. He has been spending more time in the house with the weather getting warmer. He shadows me everywhere I go sauntering from room to room.

He helped me clean the litter boxes by patiently waiting until they were clean to then sniff and scratch the litter all over the floor. When he gets scolded he simply drops his head and pushes it in to my leg.

On the bus back from the regional track meet I really could not wait to get home to give him some snuggles. He is just so perfect in every way.

He took a shower to get clean the other day. He was miserable the whole time but he endured it with grace. At once point he looked up at me and gave me a kiss as if to say, "I still love you even though you are doing this to me."

Today nothing really special happened on our run which is exactly what made it a good run. I love B.Emmett!

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