Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friends along the way

Today we ran 7.7 miles to Starbucks, our favorite ending destination. We were planning on going about six miles and decided to try out a new route. The route ended up being a bit longer than expected but very enjoyable. 

The thought that struck me most on today's run was how much dogs enjoy seeing one another. We started out in a neighborhood with large yards. The first dog that we came upon, a large black lab, launched a sneak attack. We did not see him coming. He jumped on his field fence challenging B.Emmett to play with him. B.Emmett responded readily smiling and wiggling his body.

Next up were the old timers. Two dogs that we heard coming down their driveway that were moving very slow. We were long past before they made it to their fence. They continued to bark encouragement as we ran up the hill beyond their house.

Through a wooded trail and into a new neighborhood we ran into a fearless terrier. He ran right up to B.Emmett and snarled. B.Emmett politely stopped to say hello. Once the owner arrived on the scene we were told that he would follow us for about a block and then go home. We ran with the terrier grinning at B.Emmett the whole way. Sure enough about a block past where we first met the terrier turned and darted off towards his waiting owner.

As we came out of the neighborhood and on to a busy stretch of road more commercial than residential we did not meet any new friends. Even our good friend the Great Dane was sadly missing when we past the wall that he usually peers over.

Arriving at our destination we met up with one last friend a Boston terrier. He was a delightful guy who was not at all intimidated by B.Emmett. In fact he invited B.Emmett to a rousing game in which leashes got tangled, tails wagged and plenty of doggie smiles were exchanged.

All in all it was one of our most enjoyable long runs to date. There was time to think about life and friends along the way to cheer us on.

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