Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good Energy/Dog Party

On today's run there was just  a really good feeling about it. All around it had a good energy.

It was one of those mornings that I loved running and I appreciated having B.Emmett as my running companion. As we meandered our way along the streets so familiar to us there was a briskness about the air and the day that was unexplainable.

We had a lot of friends honk their horns at us as we ran which is always nice. It seemed like they, too, were enjoying the good energy of the morning.

Even the squirrels were a little less of a distraction this morning. B.Emmett stayed pretty much by my side even though every muscle in his body twitched as we ran by them.

When we arrived at our favorite ending destination, Starbucks, it was clear that it was not just us that felt the good energy of the day. Every single outdoor table was occupied by both a human and a canine or two. It was one giant dog party.

There were the politely aloof dogs that stared at the others from afar. And then there were the rest of the dogs. 

Max, the weimaraner, that just loved to say hello and drag his owner all over the patio. 

Beardsley the labradoodle that had traveled to Starbucks in his owner's turquoise convertible porsche. Beardsley also vacations each summer on Cape Code. 

There were the angry Irish setters that sat close to the water bowl and would emit a low growl barely audible to human ear but very obvious to canine ear if one strayed too close to their territory. 

There was the dainty little Pomeranian that left and went to the far less crowded outdoor tables of the bakery a few doors down. 

Some of our old friends, the big black and white bull dog and the old old golden retriever, were there smiling and wagging their tails at all that past close by their table.

And finally there was B.Emmett. He loves other dogs so for him the end of today's run was as nice as it was for me. I always look forward to ending a run at Starbucks and he always looks forward to socializing with other dogs.

Today it was just good energy all around for human and canine alike.

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