Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random post

Here are the random thoughts that were in my mind as we ran today:

Today we did a 7.7 mile run. The weather was nice and Spring Break allowed us a little more time to run together so I was a bit more sore than usual. B.Emmett did not seem to notice which is why I love him so much.

I had a lot of time to think about things along the way because I was moving at a more relaxing pace. One of the main things I reflected on is where I am professionally. I am almost done with my coursework for my doctorate degree which means it is time to give lots of serious thought to the dreaded dissertation.

At the same time I am working full time and need to keep working financially. I also love the daily feeling of a school. It is like you can feel the pulse of the school with the students coursing through the school like blood through a body. School is a very "alive" place.

One thing that I am particularly thankful for is the groups of people that I have met in my classes this year. Currently, I am working in a group on a qualitative data analysis project and they have truly been amazing. We all get along well and play off of one another's strengths. Yet, at the same time, we are all very different individuals from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. I think this diversity is what I have enjoyed the most about the group. It really shows what collaboration is like when you have the right mix.

Then my thoughts turned to the right mix in a school based environment. It is so important to have the right people working together. When things are not the right mix it can be very detrimental to all involved especially the students. Schools are also not very diverse when it comes to the adults that work in them... What a shame that the students lose out because we are not a very diverse group...

Other things that I thought about today were: 
  • getting another tattoo this time one of B.Emmett
  • writing Stephenie Meyer a fan letter which is something I have never done before...I even wrote the letter in my mind but it got lost in my mind somewhere between miles 5 and 6.
  • the movie twilight and why Bella continues to perpetuate the damsel in distress. Yes, she is strong willed but Edward always swoops in and saves her...ugh. But I still like the movie although the book is much better.
  • my awesome family that lets me run with my dog (really my husband who stays with our kids)
  • how important positive leadership is in a school community...
  • squirrel sneak attacks
  • coaching

As the run winded down my thoughts turned to B.Emmett and how much he just enjoys the moment. Dogs are so Zen, so in the moment. He is serious one minute and chasing a squirrel the next.

Today we did meet up with the Easter Bunny and that was the first time he was a little shy. He was not quite sure what to make of the tissue paper ears and the whiskers.

We ran our last mile hard. B.Emmett almost killed me when a crazy squirrel basically jumped on his nose.

We chased a lost greyhound through a neighborhood sprinting back to his owner to give the location of the runaway.

Ending our run at Starbucks we saw another (and much faster) running friend.

Our family was 40 minutes late picking us up at Starbucks which was nice because it gave us a chance to relax...

B.Emmett is a great running partner.

And that's the randomness of my thoughts from today's run:)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading about your travels with B. Emmett. My golden, Pete, also loves a stop at Starbucks on our walks. Thanks for sharing your journeys and thoughts.
