Sunday, May 3, 2009

Accidents Happen

Last weekend at pole vault practice B.Emmett sat on a curb and caught the fold of his skin under a chain link fence. It was just a tiny nick so I cleaned it out and went about our week. Long run Sunday etc.

Tuesday I came home from work to find that he had chewed a giant hole in his side which looked pretty gross. My hubby told me to just to clean it out and put a hooded collar on him until it healed. I , on the other hand,  decide to take him to the vet.

$300 and many stitches and staples later he came home. He also had a hooded collar to keep him from chewing on his stitches and staples. No Running for ten days!!!TEN DAYS-yikes!

Night one B.Emmett learns how to play pathetic puppy and stays in bed with mom and dad.

Night two B.Emmett wanders out of the bedroom without his hooded collar on and he chews through his stitches.

I call the vet Friday morning and make an appointment for Saturday morning since we were going to Orlando all day Friday. In his kennel B.Emmett wears his hooded collar all day long-poor baby.

Saturday morning we go to the vet fully expecting to spend a bunch more money. Instead of stitching it up again the vet takes a  look and decides to take the remaining stitches out. He says, "Keep it clean and keep the hooded collar on him. Oh and he can go ahead and run again..."

Always look for the good in the situation: 1. B.Emmett can run 2. He now gets to sleep on the bed instead of in his kennel.

All is well that ends well...

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