Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer's almost here!

Summer is almost here. One week left of school and then B.Emmett and I will get to run together every day.

Today we went five miles and ended at our usual spot, Starbucks. As we meandered through the roads of Gainesville thoughts of summer swirled in my head as signs of summer were all around us.

There was the baby pool that we saw outside of one of the houses that we past by. Our neighbor has his summer flag up and the grass is growing mighty fast.

What I like best about summer is the pace. Things naturally seem to slow down, days get just a bit longer and nothing seems rushed.

There is more time for the kids, swimming, running and relaxing.

B.Emmett seems to sense that summer is almost here as well. His gait was a bit more easy going. His coat glistened in the sun (I gave him a shower yesterday).

Yep, not much to say today except it was a nice, easy going summer kind of run.

I love my dog!

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