Monday, May 25, 2009


Today was another attempt to get back into the regular rhythm of running. B.Emmett and I headed out the door a little late and happy to find it still overcast.

We headed north my mind wandering still reflecting abut how much fun I had at the R-Evolution show the night before. I started to think about all the things that made it so unique. What it really all came down to was the people in it.

It is one of the few places in the school where there are performing arts students, band students, athletes, tech crew, etc all in one place with one put on the most amazing show ever.

 It is such a diverse group that comes together to create a performance like no other. I cannot describe why I like it so much. Part of it is the amazing music but most of it is the amazing students that create it. The only thing I can really say is that it is a PK thing.

Since I was in high school I have loved music and had musically inclined friends. From my travels following the Grateful Dead around the country to Jane's Addiction in a small club in Denver to Metallica to...I have always felt alive listening to music. 

R-Evolution brings me back to my roots. It allows me to remember the things that matter in life.

In my life I have had the privilege of hanging out with a lot of musicians including my wonderfully talented husband. The students in this show are talented to the extreme both musically and creatively.

So as I ran along Newberry road on my way to Starbucks I replayed the concert in my mind laughing out loud at the memory of the video.

At the end of the night after the stage was clear I turned to my husband and said, "I want to go home and see my dog."  

That's where my run ended, R-Evolution memories fading out and the love I feel for B.Emmett flooding in. He's a great dog. It's a doberman thing. If you have hung out with one you know what I mean. I love you B.Emmett!

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