Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hot Days are Here

Okay, I admit it, I like, no I LOVE to sleep in. Well according to B.Emmett my days of sleeping in are over and summer is officially here...hello 5:00am runs...argh.

Saturday I woke up, read in bed and decided that I was officially cured from my sinus infection and could attempt a run. B.Emmett and I headed out the door around 9:00am. Everything seemed like an ordinary run. I felt a bit sluggish coming back from a week off but not too bad. 

After mile one I realized it was hot with a capital "H." I think B.Emmett handled it much better than me. I kept forcing him to cross a four lane road. I was stalking little patches of shade. I am fairly certain that this was just a mental thing to make me feel cooler and that it actually extended the amount of time and distance that we ran.

At the end of the run I promised B.Emmett that I would get up earlier on Sunday. Of course that was before this little thing called chaperoning prom until 12:00am got in the way.

This morning I woke up to the quiet of a kid free home. They were still over at their mimis' and papas' houses from their sleepovers. Who could blame me for wanting to catch a little extra sleep? I mean there are not a lot of kid free mornings so I lounged around in bed.

When I finally got up with intent to run it was 10:00am-oops! Once I explained how sorry I was to B.Emmett we settled on a compromise...two miles (not our usual long Sunday morning run) and a shady route.

Off we trotted and I realized how pathetic it was but I was sore from yesterday's run. B.Emmett on the other hand was just fine and raring to go. It was really fun to go two miles. It passed quickly even in the heat.

My favorite thing was watching B.Emmett drinking water out of a large metal bowl outside Starbucks. He laid right down while he drank with his goofy grin. Moments like these always make me appreciate my running partner just a little more.

I love you B.Emmett!

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