Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Bucket List

Summer is here and the runs are getting hotter. With summer comes lots more time for B.Emmett and I to spend quality time together. Also lots more time to reflect and write.

During today's run I thought a lot about my bucket list. It is something I have been working on for a little while. What amazes me is how rich my life experiences have already been and how much more I cannot wait to do. Randy says that I am a young soul because I am not settled and always restless. I guess I agree. It is fun to try new things and continue to challenge myself and push my limits.

The one thing I would like to do on the bucket list that got stuck in my mind on this morning's run is to visit Los Angeles and just wander aimlessly with no real plan (but a nice hotel or somewhere to stay). I think I would find the mixture of the pure self absorbency of the city and its inhabitants and the beauty of the surrounding nature just out of LA repulsive and attractive at the same time.

It would be neat to explore LA on foot, running with B.Emmett. I am thinking of running the LA marathon sometime in the next few years. Unfortunately, B.Emmett cannot run it with me but he can train with me.

That is just one of the many adventures on my bucket list. Life is for living and following your dreams....Sleep when I am dead.

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