Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Mad. That's a doberman when it is too hot to run. It is also the state of mind of a doberman when he doesn't run. He is mad as in insane.

Even though I am working for most of the summer my schedule is more lax. School is not in session so I do not necessarily have to get up at 5:00am to run. By the time I roll out of bed at 7:00am it is a little too late for to run with B.Emmett and it makes him mad.

He barks, he whines and he scratches at the door all futile attempts to get me to take him on a run. B.Emmett is not rationale when it comes to two things, running and me.

When he sees me he tracks me with his golden eyes always looking, begging, asking for me to take him with me. 

For him it is so clear what he desires.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that kind of clarity? Dog clarity. They know what they want period.

I want so many things that it tears me up at times. I want to go sky diving again, dive in a shark cage observing great white sharks, and so much more.

Today was a day of clarity. I was thinking of making a choice which would have been a major change in my life direction. The universe basically hauled off and kicked me in the head letting me know that I was in the right place.

I love it when it is that clear, right there, obvious, in plain view...

Dog clarity, yea I like that.

B.Emmett we will run again soon.

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