Friday, December 10, 2010

Ran with dad

Today's post is brought to you by..."Um mom why did you think I could run five miles at 6:15 pace with dad when you run like 9:30ish pace with me every day?"

Yes, that's right when my hunnie asked about taking B.Emmett for a run I completely was not thinking about the fact that my hunnie once was a collegiate level distance runner for a division one school. I was not thinking about the fact that for the last week I ran every morning on a treadmill in the gym because it was so cold. No, I was not thinking that my poor dog had run so little and not so fast in the past week.

The result of all my not thinking was B.Emmett came home in what runners refer to as a "body bag." My hunnie toasted my poor pup and he has pretty much been asleep on my bed since he got back from the run. He occasionally stirs to groan and I have massaged his whole body but he is going to be a wee bit sore. My hunnie came in to take him for a walk and B.Emmett literally cringed when he saw the leash (probably having flashbacks of the run).

I had planned a nice slow eight mile run with B.Emmett tomorrow. Now I am thinking that I will be running solo in the morning. Sorry big guy!

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