Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today's Run

Today's run started with some very loud birds chirping, lots of squirrels swishing their tails at us and just a nice peaceful feeling. We didn't rush just relaxed and settled in to a nice pace.

In fact, it seemed like the entire world was relaxing with us. B. Emmett could hardly believe the nerve of the squirrels because they refused to run from him. One actually sat right on the sidewalk eating a nut and twitching it's tail in delight. B. Emmett was so taken aback by this that he did not even bother to try and chase it.

On today's run B.Emmett had the opportunity to be a guard dog as we passed by a gardener with a scary looking rake. Going into guard mode is one of my favorite things he does. Most of the time he is this incredibly goofy lovable dog. However, when we run if he feels even the slightest inkling of possible danger he becomes a fierce protector. It is not so much that he does anything ferocious but rather it is in the subtle way that he changes. 

Today he immediately tensed up and started to track the gardener with his eyes. He placed his large body in between me and the gardener and just stared while we ran by. What fascinates me the most about his behavior is that it is a very fluid motion that just naturally fits into the pattern of our run. He does not make a sudden movement but rather just glides along and changes his demeanor as if to say to the thing he views as a potential threat " don't even bother trying because I will not let you near her."

On today's run we had the opportunity to be grateful for the things that we often take for granted. We are healthy enough to run four miles together, we are safe and we are happy.

Today's run was all about just the enjoyment of being outside on a beautiful day with each other. I love my dog.