Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Destination

In life we are on a path and depending on our choices and needs there can be many destinations.

Today B.Emmett and I chose a new destination. We officially came out of the closet to change from Starbucks coffee lovers to Dunkin Donuts coffee lovers.

My addiction to caffeine started somewhere in the baby years. These were the days when I had very small children and a full time job. Caffeine was a great option for keeping myself going and my love affair with Starbucks began.

Every day I had to stop and get my coffee. Starbucks was like a siren calling to me wherever I was. My children learned to spot Starbucks on road trips all for the good of family harmony. When momma has her coffee everybody in the family was happy.

Once when I was teaching third grade one of my students spilled my grande coffee before the bell to begin class rung. It was a very long morning because at the time I still had a newborn baby not sleeping through night and the only way I was managing to stay awake to teach was my precious caffeine.

About four months ago due to some unremembered circumstance we went to Dunkin Donuts instead of Starbucks. At first I was sure I would about die and then I tasted their coffee. "Sweet mother of god," I thought, " this is the nectar of life."  Well maybe it was not that dramatic but it was life changing.

We began going to Dunkin Donuts every morning. On Fridays I would still stop by Starbucks for my beloved Friday treat, a mocha. I felt guilty like I was cheating on my spouse. After all the folks from Starbucks all knew my name and my order. For goodness sake they knew my kid's names. How could I do this to Starbucks?

Gradually, I began to see that although Starbucks was a nice experience it just wasn't meeting my needs and it was time to move on. Still I persisted a bit longer than necessary. I mean who hasn't prolonged the inevitable break up of a relationship at some point in their lives?

Last week I was out with my mom and we stopped at Starbucks for coffee. I ordered my mocha because that was about the only thing at Starbucks I thought that I could handle. I took one sip and realized that it was over. I could no longer drink any coffee product from Starbucks.

I slowly threw my mocha in the trash and I said good bye to my dear Starbucks. Like a good lover I will always remember the good times and be thankful for the relationship but I have moved on to a new destination.

B. Emmett and I ran four miles to Dunkin Donuts this morning. We enjoyed every minute of our run. I love you B.Emmett!